One of the main reasons why we lose money despite having good income and salary increments is because we spend too much on things that are not really a priority. People also tend to forget the spending rules which are extremely important, especially when you want to save for rainy days. However, if there is a will, there is a way, and there would always be a way when it comes to tracking the amount of money you lose every time. Read to find out more about spending trackers and how you can create one for yourself. 

10+ Spending Tracker Samples

1. Spending Tracker

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 429 KB


2. Sample Spending Tracker

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 253 KB


3. Weekly Spending Tracker

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 117 KB


4. Basic Spending Tracker

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 59 KB


5. Standard Spending Tracker

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 75 KB


6. Daily Spending Tracker

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 24 KB


7. Monthly Spending Tracker

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 48 KB


8. Holiday Spending Tracker

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 37 KB


9. One Month Spending Tracker

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 326 KB


10. Printable Spending Tracker

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 18 KB


11. Out-of-Pocket Spending Tracker

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 1 MB


What Is a Spending Tracker?

A spending tracker is a document that can be personally written or downloaded digitally to help an individual track the money they spend on a daily basis. It is somewhat akin to budget planners, budget trackers, and money trackers as their purpose are very similar, only that they have different design and format styles. Spending trackers can be used not only in households, but also in small businesses, dining restaurants, hospitality industries, and other corporations to monitor how much money they spend on repair maintenance and upgrades. 

How to Create a Spending Tracker?

Do you need a tracker to see if you are not spending too much beyond your income budget? We will give you a few tips and suggestions which you can use and follow to make your tracker more effective. Read further below to start creating your tracker immediately. 

1. Download a Template

Whether you are tech-savvy or not, downloading a template is very essential as it helps you with time management, especially if you are always on the go. Templates are already formatted and designed so you won’t have to make anything from scratch anymore, and that would really save you time. Furthermore, a template can be stored on your devices, meaning you can use it whenever you need it. 

2. Provide a List of Your Important Accounts

If you want to track where you’re spending your money the most, write down a roster list of your accounts, including utilities, gas or fare, food, groceries, club or charity memberships, Internet subscriptions, clothing, pet supplies (if applicable), child care, education loans, medical treatments, home furniture, investments, credit cards, real estate mortgage fees, and other important payables that are deemed to be priorities. Of course, do not forget to include other expenses which may include entertainment, dining out, alcohol, buying gifts, holiday trips, and others. 

3. Always Include Taxes

It is common knowledge that everything we want to acquire and what we already own comes with taxes. Aside from the original or fixed price from our account payables, we are also responsible for paying the additional taxes with it. Taxes may include the following: excise tax for commodities, value added tax for services, or any and all accrued taxes that are related to your home, business, or personal loans

4. Input the Time and Date 

Last but not least, it is a given that you write down the time and date of when your tracker is effective. If you want to track your daily expenses, then you can make a table good for Monday to Sunday where you can write down the money you spend on a specific day. If you want to monitor your expenses on a monthly basis, you can make columns for Week 1 to Week 4 where you can tally the total amount of your expenditures within 30 days. 

Why are spending trackers important?

If you are not aware of how much you spend within a day, week, or month, you will find it hard to assess the current situation of your finances. Thus, spending trackers can help you oversee your budget and make changes to your spending habits gradually.

Can I make separate spending trackers for my family?

As a family, it is ideally recommended that you make only one spending tracker for the household expenses. However, if you want to track your family member’s individual expenditures that are not related to any household expenses, then it would be helpful to aid them in creating a tracker so they can be more aware of how they handle their finances.

Can a spending tracker help me save money?

Spending trackers help you identify the many lapses in your spending habits, giving you the opportunity to eliminate unwanted and unnecessary expenditures. When you are able to control your expenses, you get to save even a little bit more money which may be helpful in the future.

If you want to be more responsible with how you spend your money, it is important to keep track of all your payables, leisure expenses, and savings. Start monitoring your finances efficiently and effectively with the help of a spending tracker which you can make in an instant. Search through our gallery today and get to explore the functions of our spending tracker templates. 

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