In the world today, there are seven billion living human beings. Out of that staggering number, data analysis reveals that 27% are children 14 years old and below. However, many of these children are crammed into orphanages, littered on the streets, or don’t have anyone to care for them at such a tender age. With so many youngsters out there, many couples have taken it upon themselves to care for the not-so-fortunate children by undergoing the legal process of adoption.

What Is an Adoption Worksheet?

The process of adoption is no longer an uncommon concept in society today. Yet, the process of taking a lonely child as your own has saved countless young lives from an ill future. Adoption has, in the best of cases, given unwanted offsprings a second chance at life. But, as with all things, it isn’t 100% foolproof due to the disadvantages that come with adoptions that didn’t go through the correct protocol or procedure. With that said, there are particular works of paper that need to be filled out for the process to be legal—namely, adoption worksheets.

Adoption worksheets are, for the most part, data sheets that contain information about the foster family. These may not look the part, but adoption worksheets act as both binding legal papers and parental profiles of the adoptive family. Now, other than the blatantly obvious need for progress tracking, they are a safety protocol for the adoptee. As horrendous as it sounds, there are several cases of mistreated children, and these papers help in decreasing that amount. Whether it’s providing background information or repercussions for lack of legal documents, adoption worksheets help protect both adoptees and foster families from the consequences of a lousy adoption process.

Ye Olde Adoption

The amount of contract agreements and legal proccedures that come with an adoption is borderline exasperating. With that said, you would think that it was a new trend to adopt another’s biological offspring and care for it as your own, but you’d be wrong. As a matter of fact, the ye olde art of adoption was practiced as early as the 6th century by ancient Romans to protect family wealth. Nowadays, adoption for the most part has become a process that seeks to benefit the children. Through the ages and with multiple legal measures to ensure the safety of all the parties involved, adoption has blossomed to become a safe haven for children with no biological parents to care for them. However, for this notion to be a reality, various documents need to be met and multiple procedures be enforced to avoid the awful disadvantages.

10+ Adoption Worksheet  Samples

1. Adoption Preference Worksheet Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 293.2 KB


2. Basic Adoption Worksheet Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 127.7 KB


3. Adoption Support Worksheet Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 28.6 KB


4. Standard Adoption Worksheet Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 116.0 KB


5. Adoption Information Worksheet Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 216.4 KB


6. Adoption Worksheet in PDF

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 68.5 KB


7. Adoption Attorney Worksheet Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 65.7 KB


8. Adoption and Adaptation Worksheet Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 389.2 KB


9. Cost Worksheet for International Adoption Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 106.0 KB


10. Adoption Evaluation Inspection Worksheet in Excel

File Format
  • Excel

Size: 28.3 KB


11. Adoption Assistance Worksheet in DOC

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 14.1 KB


How to Prepare for an Adoption

Despite being etymologically related, adopting a child is slightly different from adopting a puppy at your local pound. The key factors that separate both are the number of legal processes, documents, and repercussions that can happen should you fail to meet the necessary requirements. With that said, giving a sad child a place to call their own is a rewarding parental experience like no other—and to help you out in your decision are these tips and suggestions.

1. Seek Consultation

If you’ve ever thought about having a kid, it’s best to first consult an expert before proceeding. Professional consultation often includes details such as your physical, financial, and mental capacity to take care of a child. As such, seeking professional help in preparing for adoption decreases the likelihood of you making the irreversible mistake of committing to something you’re incapable of caring for.

2. Find a Reliable Orphanage

With the new world proving to have a high demand for adoptions, various “shady” agencies have taken advantage of this. No longer for the benefit of parentless children, this organization tunnel-vision on profit and push aside other aspects such as child safety or even business ethics. As such, if you plan to adopt for a good cause, it’s best to find a reliable orphanage or agency to ensure that no harm comes to anyone.

3. Fulfill Legal Requirments

Various legal requirements and documents are needed to determine your eligibility to adopt a child. From proofs of physical fitness to financial stability and mental health, taking on a child is a needy task—rewarding, but needy. As such, providing proof of your ability to handle the pressure through the presentation of legal documents gives you a better chance of bringing a child to a new home.

4. Be Ready for the Responsibility

Once you sign that adoption paper, there’s no turning back. As such, before you trace your pen over that signatory to seal the deal, be ready for the responsibility. You have to make sure that you’ve prepared not just the above-mentioned requirements, but also the various long-term needs of a child. The last thing you want, after all, is increasing the rates of children returned to orphanages due to lack of preparation.


From the ancient civilization of Rome to the present-day metropolises, adoption has existed for thousands of years. Though it has existed for a while, adoption has come far from being a means of preserving family wealth to providing children goods homes. However, this concept will remain just a concept if people carelessly take on such responsibility without prior thought of its heft and preparation time.

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