Running a business isn’t a mere walk in the park. You have to take care of a lot of things and one of them is tracking all of your expenses activities. Tracking your expenses is one of the most important things you need to constantly do because this will help you save your business from sinking. You need to control how you spend money so you won’t lose any revenue and be in debt. You also need to track your profitability to see if your business is earning money or not. An expense report worksheet is what you need to do to track your expenses. The expense report is a generalized term for the different varieties of expense reports that a business should prepare and they can be formatted differently from one another. However, making one is easy to do as long as you have the necessary information needed for an expense report. This article will guide you on how to make an expense report worksheet.

10+ Expense Worksheet Samples

1. Income Expense Worksheets


File Format

  • PDF

Size: 49 KB


2. Retirement Expense Worksheet

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 40 KB


3. Income Expense Worksheet Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 72 KB


4. Monthly Budget Expense Worksheet

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 58 KB


5. Monthly Income Expense Worksheet

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 33 KB


6. Sample Expense Worksheet

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 74 KB


7. Student Income and Expense Worksheet

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 55 KB


8. Expense Tracker Worksheet

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 40 KB


9. Business Income and Expense Worksheet

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 54 KB


10. Sample Monthly Budget worksheet

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 56 KB


11. Study Abroad Expense Worksheet

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 64 KB


What is an Expense Report?

An expense report is a written document that tracks all the expenses that have been incurred during your business operations or any job duties that involve some cost. It can be a log for reimbursement purposes, receipts of expenses, justification of expenses incurred while using company-provided credit cards, or simply an account of all expenses of all departments in your business.

The information that is usually included in expense reports are:

  • Expense date
  • Type of expense (e.g. meals, production, labor, parking, mileage, etc.)
  • The total amount of the expense
  • The account name the expense should be charged to
  • A subtotal of each expense by category
  • A total of all expenses
  • A subtraction of any cash advances
  • The total amount due to the employee (if the expense report is for reimbursement)

How to Create an Expense Worksheet

1. Categorize Each Expense

In your expense report, which is formatted into a worksheet, categorize each type of expense into columns. This is your way of breaking down each expense that your business spends money on. This will help you give information on which items you’ve spent on and how much you’ve spent on them. It will also help you track the profitability of your business.

2. Create a Ledger Worksheet

You can also create a ledger which is a spreadsheet that keeps track of your expenses. To do this, follow the guide provided below:

  • Use the top row of each column to put the name of the categories you’ve defined as your expenses.
  • Use the far left side column of the spreadsheet and put the date when the expense was made and use the column next to it to provide the name of the vendor.
  • Enter the amount of each expense in the column that fits the category.
  • Calculate the total amount you’ve spent on a category by adding all the amounts in that column using a calculator.
  • If you’re working with a pen-and-paper accounting journal, add the column totals with a calculator.

3. Create an Expense Summary Worksheet

You can also create a summary worksheet that you will use to summarize and compare your expenses over time. This type of format will help you quickly and clearly see how the expenses for every category change monthly and how each category differs from one another.  To create an expense summary spreadsheet, do the following steps:

  • Create columns at the top of the page and use them to label the months in a year.
  • Use the outermost left side column to write down each expense category.
  • In each cell, enter the amount you spent on a specific category during that month.
  • Add the rows and columns with a calculator.


How does a monthly budget worksheet help you?

A monthly budget worksheet is useful for everyone to have and keep track of because it can help them control their finances better. By planning and tracking expenses and income, they will know where their money goes and track them to control their spending.

What is a balanced budget?

A balanced budget is where the expenses and income are equal. There is no deficit or a surplus in the budget.

Once you’re done creating your worksheet, make sure to use it consistently to track and analyze your expenses. Make sure you’ve input the accurate amount to each expense you have to obtain your actual expenses. If your report is full of errors, you will have a hard time justifying your expense and it could lead to some trouble as well.  To help you get started to create your budget worksheet, download our free sample templates above to use as your reference!

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