The HR or recruiters face the daunting task of checking multiple resumes and evaluating which applicants are qualified for job vacancies. But such a task won’t have to be tedious by forming an easier or less stressful screening process—by using employment application forms. Besides the resume, CV, or biodata, job application forms are more direct since recruiters tailor their content and format according to what they specifically want to know about each applicant. And how can recruiters ensure that? Read more about job application samples below.

Free Printable Job Application Form

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  • PDF

Size: 34 KB


Simple Free Job Application Form

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  • PDF

Size: 39 KB


Application for Employment in PDF

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  • PDF

Size: 63 KB


Teacher Job Application Form in Doc

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  • DOC

Size: 57 KB


Free Blank Job Application Form

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  • PDF

Size: 44 KB


Free Generic Job Application Form in PDF

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  • PDF

Size: 42 KB


Basic Job Application Printable

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  • PDF

Size: 45 KB


What Is a Job Application Form?

job application form is an official document used by companies or organizations to provide a systematic way of selecting the candidates with the most potential who applied for a certain job. Job application documents generally ask about an applicant’s working experience, educational background, skills, qualifications, and a resume for the candidate’s personal background. And there are various states with laws that control what is allowed or prohibited to ask in a job application form.

How to Craft Job Application Forms

Indeed, job application documents are crucial to study applicants, comment for each background, and choose who fits the job. But how do you make a job application form in the first place? Rest assured, the process is not that complicated. In fact, we have editable and downloadable job application samples as your guide. And most importantly, we will guide you in the making process by following these four easy steps:

Step 1: Specify What You Want from Applicants

Recruiters should design job application forms according to how they want to know their applicants. But first things first, you should determine which job position the applicant wants. You could input choices if the candidate wants to pursue as an assistant manager, an accountant, or any other position. Next, who is your candidate? If you are more interested in their leadership or teaching skills than their work experience, ask about those skills first. You need not include other details like the educational background and other examples you no longer want to know about during interviews. Thus, you save time by only focusing on important data.

Step 2: Incorporate Your Company’s Branding

Do not forget to include your company’s branding in the job application template. The form itself is a good marketing tool alone. If you spread those sheets to numerous people, more people would see your business’s name, logo, address, contact details, etc. You can insert your organization’s name in the title, so anyone who checks the document will automatically know which company it belongs to. And after the branding follows the meat of the job application form—the applicant’s relevant details.

Step 3: Observe an Organized Layout, Format, and Design

You are supposed to create an organized and uniform job application document. And you can do that by tweaking the job application’s layout, format, and design. For example, what should be mentioned first until the last part of the document? The sequence of the data is part of the layout. And should you produce job applications in MS Word or PDF format? Decide that too. You also need to finalize the form’s design from the font size, font style, spacing, and other factors. Print and make copies only when you are satisfied with the final design of these job applications.

Step 4: Use an Easy-to-Follow Structure

Indeed, you can always edit and design a job application form. But do not forget that it is not that big of a project, too, wherein it requires a complicated structure. Job application documents are supposed to be short, straightforward, and easy to use; hence, don’t complicate things. Review the whole document if you think applicants will have difficulty understanding the content and filling in the blanks. A tip is to input instructions, so applicants are guided and that simple words understood by the public are used. And once you are happy with the results, launch it!


What is the purpose of job application forms?

Job application forms gather an applicant’s information easily and uniformly. How so? Each form’s layout is the same, making it easy to navigate and read the details. Also, companies that receive plenty of applicants daily can depend on this so that recruitments won’t be difficult anymore. In short, such forms focus on getting relevant data to provide an efficient and systematic screening process.

What information do job application forms collect?

Job application forms gather different fields about applicants. And most of the time, applicants fill out the following information:

  • Personal info (name, birth date, age, etc.)
  • Work experience
  • Skills and qualifications
  • Educational background
  • Interests and hobbies
  • Character references

How is a job application form different from a resume?

Job application forms are quite similar to resumes in which they summarize the details of an applicant. However, resumes are not quite in uniform with how job applications are made. Job application documents have the same format regarding the credentials, qualifications, and other related details.

There is no denying that employees are the core of any business. And the products and services should be as impressive as the workers representing them. So if there is a job vacancy in a company, hiring employees should not be a random decision. Use job application templates to experience an easy and smooth hiring process. Such samples are very accessible anyway, whether you need paper-based forms or paperless versions. The format of your document is also up to your call. Lastly, you can freely customize each template that fits your purpose. Download now!

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