In this day and age, there are all kinds of new ideas and inventions people manage daily. There are all kinds of concepts out there people are experimenting with, from snack foods to utility software. For a commercial enterprise, creating a new product is vital to reviving interest from its target audience. However, realizing a patent into completion and release requires significant time and effort. To prevent intellectual theft of your work-in-progress property before its completion, consider submitting a provisional patent application (PPA). A furniture company, pharmaceutical brand, manufacturing business, food supplier, and software developer are just a few examples that benefit from filing such a form. If you’re unfamiliar with how to draft a PPA from scratch, feel free to use one of our listed PDF layout samples.
10+ Provisional Patent Application Samples
1. Provisional Patent Application
2. Sample Provisional Patent Application
3. Simple Provisional Patent Application
4. Basic Provisional Patent Application
5. Formal Provisional Patent Application
6. Professional Provisional Patent Application
7. Legal Provisional Patent Application
8. Professional Provisional Patent Application
9. Provisional Patent Application Example
10. Provisional Patent Application Format
11. Printable Provisional Patent Application
What Is a Provisional Patent Application?
Inventing and experimenting with new products is an integral part of various industries. When you have the perfect concept and design for a product, you need to invest enough time to ensure its full fruition. However, for that duration, protecting your intellectual property from theft is sometimes necessary. To prevent competitors from emulating your idea, you can compose and submit a provisional patent application (PPA) for temporary protection. A PPA provides you with several months to gather statistics, address issues, prepare documentation, and perform other tasks for your patent before you need to process a complete copyright claim. Putting together an official PPA document by yourself is highly time-consuming and requires careful planning. Fortunately, you can find a multitude of PDF template documents available online. Plus, we’ve prepared a few easy steps you can follow just below.
How to Make a Provisional Patent Application
1. Familiarize Yourself with Using a Provisional Patent Application
The US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) officially acknowledges provisional patent applications. The most vital aspect to know about using a PPA is that it only protects your patent temporarily for 12 months. That timeframe allows you to refine your invention under a “patent pending” label and finalize your patent application.
2. Write Your Provisional Patent Application with a Proper Application
Drafting a provisional patent application is a long and meticulous process. Before you start, you need to choose a word-processing program you’re comfortable using. You can find many software applications across different platforms suitable for writing a provisional patent application these days. Apple Pages, Google Docs, and Microsoft Word are the most well-known go-to’s for composing documents, including provisional patent applications.
3. Compose a Provisional Patent Application That’s Easy to Comprehend
In your application document’s content, incorporate direct and professional wording. Outline necessary information about your invention, including but not limited to its appearance, function, purpose, and benefits. In addition to text, include various images like photos and schematics that apply to your patent. Lastly, implement appropriate text size and style throughout your PPA for readability.
4. Streamline Your Provisional Patent Application
If you’re unfamiliar with writing a PPA, consider downloading a sample. Opt for a sample in PDF for flexibility on any operating system. PDF works well on Windows, MAC, and even mobile platforms.
Is it cheaper to obtain a PPA than a full patent?
Yes, it is cheaper to get a provisional patent application.
How long does it take to get approval for a provisional patent?
Getting approval for a patent typically takes one to three years.
What are the benefits of using a provisional patent application?
Not only does a PPA protect your idea from theft, but it also provides a grace period for you to perfect your invention.
Whether it’s an idea for a motor vehicle, mobile app, electronic equipment, SaaS software, or photography product, a provisional patent application helps maintain someone’s ownership over their intellectual property. So, if you’re looking to expedite your PPA document, use a PDF sample template to help you.