When an employee needs to attend an important personal matter or experienced some health issues or more likely just wanted to take a vacation, they are obliged to render a leave. In order to do so, one must formally inform the team through office superiors such as the team lead, supervisor, or manager by creating a leave letter or submit a leave application form.

To create an employee leave application, you can check out these 6+ sample leave applications for your draft ideas. The list comes with free editable and print-ready files.

For more sample application templates, see Sample Application Letters.

Sick Leave Application Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 18 KB


Maternity Leave Application Example

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 39 KB


School Leave Application Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 79 KB


Education Leave Application Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 84 KB


The Parts of a Leave Application Form

We will enumerate the vital sections that needs to be included in a leave application form.

Basic Employee Information

This is the section wherein the the employee’s company information is written down. 

  • Employee’s name
  • Job title
  • Job department
  • Employee number
  • Project designatiom
  • Company e-mail address

Purpose of the Application

This section reveals the purpose of your application and the reason for your leave request.

For example, “I wanted to render a vacation leave on February 25, 2017 and will be back to work on March 1, 2017. I will be taking a vacation in Germany to visit my grandmother who is terminally ill.”

Terms and Conditions

Not all application forms have this; however, others still consider this, as it creates a legal pact, making the applicant conform to what has been written on its application form.

If you need a leave application form template for casual leaves, you can also check out the Casual Leave Application. All files can be downloaded for free. It comes with editable and print-ready files.

Medical Leave Application Example

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 44 KB


Parental Leave Application Form in PDF

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 242 KB


Sample Leave Application for Vacation in PDF

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 23 KB


Why Is a Leave Application Important?

It is important so that the team your are designated with will be notified with your absence. It will allow the management to render some adjustments on your part so the business operations could still run smoothly, even without your presence. The management usually processes the leave for 15 days, so that they could have enough time to execute with the changes. It involves, looking for a staff replacement to take over your tasks. After an adjustment has been finalized, the company superiors will start signing your application letter for approval. Another purpose for this is for the company’s accounting inventory. The accountants must know your attendance update, as they will include it in their payroll calculation.

If the sample leave application offered on this list is still not enough, we still have more to offer. You can actually check out this Sample Leave Request Form for more leave application form templates. All the files on that list are accessible as they can be downloaded for free, as well as can be customized through a word format. Ready-to-print files are also available.

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