People who apply for work submit resumes or CVs with matching cover letters (see Sample Application Letters) when they apply for a position in a company. Both resumes and cover letters fill in as a synopsis of a job applicant’s work history, academic history, qualities, skills, and other credentials that can be considered as important data for the application. These help an HR officer measure whether an applicant is to be considered as a good fit for the position. However, having to go through numerous resumes can be tiresome and stressful for an HR officer. This is why big companies make use of job applications. They help diminish the stress of screening candidates since these job application forms arrive in a format and outline that is uniform.

We have six target job application forms that company HRs can use for their screening and hiring process.

Target Printable Job Application form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 161 KB


Target Store Recruitment Application Form in PDF

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 773 KB


Target World Employment Application Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 25 KB


Job Application Format

A job application is especially useful when the company using it goes through various applicants on a daily basis. An applicant goes through various interview levels and this will benefit the interviewees as they can easily scan through the applicant’s vital information. The field’s on a job applicant form collect the following information:

  • individual data about the applicant like full name, birthday, and age;
  • work history or any significant work experience relevant to the position;
  • scholarly foundation;
  • pertinent qualifications in connection to the position applied for;
  • how soon a hopeful can begin should they be procured; and
  • character references.

Why Use Job Application Forms

The fundamental inspiration that is the driving force to use a job application form is to make it more convenient for HR officers and other interviewers to go through various applications in a more efficient manner. Since these kinds of forms come in a uniform format, the screening procedure ends up being easier.

Why Use Target Job Application Templates?

Having a uniform format makes the gathering of an applicant’s data less distressing. It moreover diminishes the errand of browsing candidate’s resume since, with Printable Job Application forms, an HR officer unquestionably realizes the most crucial fields that should have been given utmost consideration. This makes the screening method more efficient.

Target Part-Time Job Application Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 37 KB


Target Employment Application in PDF

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 14 KB


Target Retail Store Job Application Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 54 KB


Target Job Incentive Fund Application form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 74 KB


Significance of Using Target Job Application Forms

  • A job application form grants HR officers to adequately gather information about the candidate in an efficient and effective manner.
  • A job application form can help HR officers discover some data not determined in a candidate’s resume like the reason behind leaving the last occupation.
  • It is a speedier and generously more favorable strategy for looking at and screening of various job applicants. It is likewise a form of understanding between a candidate and scout that all information that will be given is not false.

Making Use of Target Job Application Forms

The Blank Employment Application in this article are essential to a great degree and are definitely not difficult to use. If you wish to make use of these formats, the essential thing you have to do is just pick one that you like and you think would suit the company’s preference and something that would be effortlessly understood and filled out by the job candidates. When you have settled which one of the templates you will use, simply click on the green Download button. Since these templates are in PDF file format, they can be used as incredible guides for drafting your own one-of-a-kind job application form. They are also easy to save in gadgets and storage devices available nowadays since they don’t take up an inordinate measure of memory space.