Magazines, newspaper companies, marketing firms—essentially all large media outlets have a need for an associate editor. An associate editor serves as the glue that connects other editors, graphic designers, and the production team, to the mandates of the managing or senior editor.
If you are currently managing any of the abovementioned firm, then you will benefit the most by utilizing our associate editor Job Description Samples in your normal editing/publishing operations. Scroll down below and download our ready-for-printing templates.
Sample Senior Associate Editor Job Description
Associate Editor Job Description PDF
Associate Editor Position Description PDF
Associate Managing Editor Job Description
Newsletter Associate Editor Job Description
Associate Editors: What Does This Position Entail?
An associate editor is the person who is in charge with minor tasks that are naturally attached to the process of editing. This particular type of editor usually answers to a senior editor or a managing editor. Depending on the type of content, he/she may coordinate with various editors and perform tasks that are not necessarily editing per se, but are essential to the whole process of content production.
Various Types of Associate Editors
If you are managing a content marketing team or any publishing media outlet, then you will benefit the most by downloading our associate editor job description templates in order to assess what type of editors you need in your company. When selecting the perfect editing job description that fits the needs of your company, you need to assess the following areas first:
- nature of your company,
- whether or not your editor reports to a senior editor, and
- whether or not your editor needs to coordinate with a team of other editors on a daily basis.
If you are handling a website, then our collection of Content Editor Job Description might be of great use to you. Looking for a job description for a non-specific editor position? Check out our Editor Job Description templates by clicking on the link provided. For more downloadable editor job descriptions, feel free to scour our website by using the search bar on our homepage.
Magazine Associate Editor Job Description
Associate Photography Editor Job Description
Associate Editor Job Description Example
Full time Associate Editor Job Description
Basic Responsibilities of an Associate Editor
- Researching
This particular duty is essential and an associate editor must posses sharp critical thinking skills and must be able to process information expeditiously.
- Fact-Checking
An essential part of every editing process is fact-checking. Fact-checking is the process of ascertaining the credibility of the information being written before it is produced, published, or uploaded. This is vital in ensuring that the company won’t be guilty of spreading misinformation.
- Writing Headlines
A well-written headline is necessary in order to attract potential readers into thoroughly consuming the whole content. Whatever the purpose of the content—be it to advertise a product, company, or just to increase the reader-base of a certain fiction author—a catchy headline is necessary.
- Spell-checking and other Grammar-Checking
This is the primary job of all editors: to mechanically proofread/edit the content/manuscript for grammatical errors, unnecessary repetitions, and inconsistencies.
- Assisting Higher-ranked Editors
In larger companies and publishing houses, there exist a well-defined hierarchy of editors. In these companies, an associate editor may be in charge of taking over the duties of a senior editor when he/she is away on vacation or business trips, planning editorial calendars, assigning stories to writers, and evaluating other editors when instructed to do so by the managing editor.
For more reference, click on the following link: Technical Writer Job Description Samples