A chief medical officer (CMO) is responsible for bridging the gap between the administration and the medical staff to make patient care programs better. Oftentimes, the only way to initiate programs to make patient care better is to ensure both administrators and medical staff are in unison with all their initiatives to make patient care more efficient. It’s the duty of the chief medical officer to bring all underlying concerns together and ensure competent and productive service.

Our Job Description Samples for chief medical officers are designed to show all the essential duties and responsibilities of qualified individuals who can fit the description. These are all free to download and modify to fit user specifications and can be downloaded in either Word Doc or PDF file.

Sample Hospital Chief Medical Officer Job Description

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Size: 27 KB


Chief Medical Officer Job Description in PDF

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Size: 70 KB


Chief Medical Quality Officer Job Description Example

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Size: 137 KB



Besides having a medical degree and a practicing physician, CMOs are also expected to be good managers since they essentially manage the health care organization’s functions and are in-charge of the day-to-day operations in the hospital or clinical organization. CMOs may not provide direct medical care, but he has enough knowledge to do so in order to be able to make vital decisions when a patient under a health care provider’s care needs a life-and-death decision-making and a CMO is asked to make a decision. Making a medical judgement is probably the most vital role that a CMO needs to perform every now and then.

Besides administrative duties, CMOs need to train doctors on proper medical procedures and to ensure they are delivering the best possible patient care efficiently and competently. He also has the main responsibility of implementing proper hospital procedures and policies. He may also choose medical directors who will help implement proper medical procedures and help him take on the duties and tasks he designates to them.

Some of a chief medical officer’s roles include

  • evaluating the level of care given by medical staff;
  • ensuring that doctors are delivering the best possible care to patients;
  • dealing with finances through budget management, determining the pay rate for employees and resident funding assistance;
  • attending meetings to deal with hospital issues; and
  • attending board of trustee meetings and communicating with the chairmen of the committees.

Besides being an expert in medical care, CMOs need to have excellent communication and interpersonal skills to be able to communicate with medical staff effectively.

For other health care-related professions, do check out our Medical Records Clerk Job Descriptions. These are all available free for downloading and editing for user specifications and can be printed.

Profesional Chief Medical Officer Job Description

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Size: 252 KB


Chief Medical Officer Job Description Skills

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Size: 69 KB


Assistant Chief Medical Officer Job Description

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Size: 54 KB


Chief Medical Officer Job Description & duties

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Size: 76 KB


A chief medical officer oftentimes needs to be able to relate to doctors in each field of expertise to be able to find out areas that need improvement or make recommendations. As the liaison between the administration and medical staff, he has to keep communication lines open with patients, department managers, and top executives of the organization. The medical facility itself needs to be checked by the CMO if it is still capable of handling patients and caring for them with the best facilities and equipment available.

Finally, a CMO also needs to actively participate in the organization’s community outreach programs that focuses on health care for the community, helping coordinate with community clinics, and other activities that the organization supports.

For more examples, please check out our Medical Assistant Job Descriptions samples that are free to download, modify, and edit according to user specifications.