A director of development is an important part of any organization. Especially to a nonprofit organization, they are responsible for bringing in the funds needed to keep the organization afloat. There are many types of development directors in every organization and they do a wide variety of tasks.

That is why it is important to have a clear definition of what their official job title is and the responsibilities that go with it. A job description clearly draws this line so that they know exactly when their duties starts and where it ends. Our development director Job Description Samples make creating these documents easier for you.

Assistant Director of Development Job Description Sample

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Size: 200 KB


Director of Business Development Job Description

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Size: 58 KB


Associate Director of Development Job Description

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Size: 94 KB


Senior Director of Development Job Description in PDF

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Size: 215 KB


Director of Product Development Job Description

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Size: 190 KB


Parts of a Job Description

Every director has certain aspects of their job that separates them from other directors. A director of development, for example, has different duties from a creative director. This article is all about the job description of a development director. If you want one for a creative director, check out our Creative Director Job Description Samples. Below are some elements a good job description needs to have.

  • Job Title – Clearly state that the job description is for the director of development position.
  • Salary Range – Include here the starting, mid-range, and maximum salary that a director of development gets.
  • Purpose and Objective – Why is the director of development needed in the organization, and what do you need to achieve in having such a position?
  • Job Description – Include here a detailed list of all the duties and responsibilities that is expected of a development director.
  • Reporting Structure – State whether the position is expected to supervise, and if so, who are the subordinates. If the position has a supervisor, state that as well.
  • Experience and Skills – Lay out the experience and skill needed for the position.
  • Work Location and Schedule – Clearly state the location and the hours required for the position.

Director of Fund Development Job Description

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Size: 295 KB


Director of Software Development Job Description

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Size: 88 KB


Director of Leadership Development Job Description

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Size: 105 KB


Director of Strategic Development Job Description

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Size: 122 KB


Director of Development Job Description

File Format
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Size: 190 KB


The Importance of Job Descriptions

Job descriptions have become a standard for any organization. However, this is also the reason why some people just see it as a formality and don’t really pay much attention to it. The importance of job descriptions though could not be stressed enough and they are listed below.

  • Better Hiring Process – A job description shows what skills and capabilities are needed for the job and so you can use that to formulate questions so you know who exactly is the right fit for the position.
  • Better Employee Performance – It is a fact that a number of employees do not know exactly what their role is in an organization. When the duties are clearly set out, you get a better performance out of your employees.
  • Better Compensation Data – With a job description in place, you will have the right tools to assess the market value of the position. It will be very useful so that you can create a better compensation plan.


A job description is an important part of any organization. Program directors, for instance, will need to check out these Program Director Job Description Samples so that they know exactly what their duties are. Development directors are no different. Our director of development job description samples perfectly capture what it is to be in this position.

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