The General Manager Job Description has a single-minded purpose, which is to communicate to prospective employees about what is expected of them. It does serve as a constant guideline to them throughout their tenure. Moreover, performance reviews are done based on whether the concerned individual has fulfilled all the factors mentioned in the Job Description Samples. It also serves as a tool for the employees to proceed with their responsibilities without having to refer to the superiors regularly.

Sample Hotel General Manager Job Description

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This position is for a senior individual with requisite qualifications and experience. A high-pressure job which requires self-motivation and a hunger for success. ‘It’s lonely at the top’ is a famous proverb, which defines that this job is not for the weak-hearted.

Restaurant General Manager Job Description

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One of the toughest assignments is to run a restaurant successfully; it requires skill, guile, mental toughness and determination. Food and service are the main revenue earners and have to be of excellent standard.

Assistant General Manager Job Description

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They assist their senior in all aspects of operations, with emphasis on front office management. Experience in room selling will be an added benefit.

General Operations Manager Job Description

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Key departments to be handled will be finance, logistics, system information, human resources and customer relations. Needless to say, a person with adequate experience only will qualify.

General Maintance Manager Job Description

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The key to success here is preventive maintenance, which requires an experienced individual to check all the equipment, regularly maintaining records and ensuring there is no breakdown of equipment resulting in loss of production time.

Retail General Manager Job Description Sample

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General Sales Account Manager Job Description

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General Marketing Manager Job Description

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Size: 109 KB


Usage Of General Manager Job Description

General Manager Job Description is a key document which is crystal clear on the roles and duties of the position. Based on the description, several resumes can be scrutinized to ascertain whether a candidate will fit the role or not. It also assists and guides the selected individual to perform his/her duties without supervision and any uncertainties which could only hamper progress. From the employee perspective, these Account Manager Job Description Samples are the ladders to success, as they can be focussed on their goals without seeking constant approvals and guidance.

Target Audience

Job descriptions assist not only the employees but also the management which can gauge the performance based on these documents. Each category is described in details and has a co-relation to the type of job, and fulfillment of these descriptions ensure success to a certain extent.

Who Can Apply For These Jobs?

Candidates qualified in Hotel Management, and Catering Technology is best suited to apply. Hotels have numerous departments and candidates specialize in the operations of them like service, production, front office, housekeeping etc.

General Manager Job Description as listed above can be a boon to candidates as they are aware of what is expected and can internally assess their suitability. In the absence of such Marketing Manager Job Description Samples, the task of the recruiter becomes harder and frustrating, as many applications received are irrelevant and unsuitable.

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