Programmer analysts are responsible for designing, developing, and administering computer programming. They need to be up to date with all the latest technology trends that go out in the market every now and then and track any technological progress that’s being made. They should also be able to work with teams in order to implement various technological programming relevant to the organizational structure.

Our Job Description Samples for programmer analysts come with samples of general purpose and objectives, coupled with the duties and responsibilities needed of a well-qualified and competent programmer analyst. These are all free to download and can be edited or modified according to user specifications and can be downloaded using Word Doc or PDF file.

Sample Senior Programmer/Analyst Job Description

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Size: 58 kb


Senior Programmer/Analyst Job Description in PDF

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Size: 69 KB


Sample Programmer/Analyst Job Description

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Size: 48 kb


Programmer/Analyst Trainee Job Description

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Size: 52 kb


Programmer analysts do a lot of various things with regards to computer programming and software. They take on a broad responsibility of all kinds of work needed for an organization’s system requirements, ensuring smooth operations in the process to prevent disruptions that can potentially cost a lot of money due to loss of production capacity.

Their primarily role is to maintain software applications and ensure business requirements are continually met through their constant analysis, testing, and development of these software applications. Besides the maintenance of these software, they need to research, document, and modify software specifications throughout the production cycle of business programs.

A programmer analyst’s job includes the following:

  • working with a specific computer system in an organization that includes scientific, engineering, and financial systems and make these systems compatible with an organization’s own requirements;
  • meeting with supervisors to find out the specifics of each company’s requirement and designing a system to meet those needs; and
  • preparing cost analysis to determine the financial expediency of a system that can work well within a company’s financial budget requirements.

Those are just some of the required duties and tasks that programmer analysts are expected to do. Their whole responsibility with an organizational structure require them to do different tasks with regards to computer systems and their expertise may be needed by several departments all at once.

For a related job description, please check our website’s Systems Analyst Job Description Samples. While programmer analysts and systems analysts often have their job descriptions infused with each other, both professions have different specialties and specific responsibilities, which are shown in the samples.

Programmer Analyst Specialist Job Description

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Size: 59 KB


Junior Programmer Analyst Job Description Format

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Size: 64 KB


Network Programmer Analyst Job Description

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Size: 59 KB


Programmer and System Analyst Job Description

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Size: 70 KB


When an organization’s computer system has been decided upon, programmer analysts are given the free hand to design the software programs needed for various programming languages for the system to follow. They then test the software before running the program and follow debugging procedures before each program is allowed to run in the organization’s computer system.

Programmer analysts are also expected to train junior members within the organization and teach them how to efficiently run the system. They also need to train end users how to operate new or modified programs. These skills are needed at a time when almost all organizational structures within a company are running on computer systems to ensure smooth operations. That’s how a programmer analyst’s skills can be put to good use.

For an engineering-related design and implementation of all software or hardware requirements, do check out our Computer Engineer Job Descriptions. These are all free to download and modify according to specifications.