A stock market can be such a dizzying place to be if you don’t know how any of the procedures work. If, however, you need to invest some of your money at the stock market, you may need the services of a stockbroker to show you how any of the financial transactions work.
Our Job Description Samples for stock brokers help define what stockbrokers do and the responsibilities they’re designated with. These come with all the needed information that define how stockbrokers work the markets and the extent to which they can handle portfolio investments. These samples are all free to download and modify for those looking to hire qualified stockbrokers.
Sample Senior Stock Broker Job Description
Stock Market Broker Job Description in PDF
Stock Broker Job Description Example
Trainee Stock Broker Job Description
Trading in a stock market basically means transferring money from a stock or security from the seller to the buyer. The stockbroker acts as the sales agent who carries out the buying and selling of the stocks or securities. Whether you’re the buyer, seller, or just want to invest in the stock market, the broker facilitates all these and more. He can also act as your financial adviser by telling you which stocks are good to buy and which stocks in your portfolio should be let go. Besides these things, the stockbroker can do the following for you:
- Help and advise on your investment decisions – You explain your financial situation and the money you want to invest while the stockbroker helps you put your financial goals in the right direction.
- Research for your investment – Your stockbroker may research the markets for you to ensure your investment is headed in the right direction. Based on his research, he may advise you to buy or sell based on current market trends and telling you which companies may be the right kind for your investment. This, however, will not guarantee you won’t lose your money on the outcome, so it’s better that you do some of the researching yourself.
- Help in your investment goals – He will help discuss investment strategies with you and how both of you can work to achieve them.
- Helps make investment decisions – He can make investment decisions on your behalf just as long as you trust him enough to do this for you. There’s a risk factor here and you as the investor should be careful to trust only if the stockbroker has a good track record, otherwise you risk losing all your money.
For other related occupations, check out our website or click on the link for Stocker Job Description Samples. These are all free for downloading in both Word Doc and PDF file formats.
Assistant Stock Broker Job Description
Stock Broker Trainee Job Description
Keep in mind that brokers are primarily sales people and they earn money from you either for their consultancy work or through sales commission for every transaction. You can end up losing money but the stockbroker still makes money one way or the other.
Most who invest their money on the stock market make the mistake of relying too much on their stockbrokers to handle their money. It’s important to keep in mind that it’s your money and you should take the reins of your investment, not hand it in to be played by other people.
For other job descriptions, please check out our Delivery Driver Job Descriptions samples. These are also free for downloading and can be modified and edited according to employer specifications.