Behind every website that runs successfully without any glitches and maintenance issues is a webmaster whose responsibility is to keep the website running smoothly and effortlessly. Webmasters do a lot of tasks from as simple as building a website and improving the site with interesting content and attractive features, to as complex a task as protecting the website from hackers and spammers. In the age of computer technology, the role of the webmaster is as indispensable as ever.
Our Webmaster Job Description Samples cover a considerable array of webmaster jobs that qualified applicants can use in their resume with a list of duties and responsibilities they can incorporate with on their own. These are all available for downloading in either Word Doc or PDF file.
Sample Church Webmaster Job Description
School Webmaster Job Description PDF
Assistant Webmaster Job Description
Webmaster Developer Job Description
Generally, webmasters have the essential role of developing a website and then promoting the website to interested buyers or businesses who may want to purchase the domain name. Webmasters would then have that company pay them while they maintain and secure the website by choosing a server that the company can use securely.
The webmaster has the important task of maintaining that site by making sure of the website’s compatibility with browsers, fixing broken links, and adding animations and images that will make the site attractive. If the company happens to be marketing-oriented, the webmaster must help drive traffic toward the site by promoting the site effectively through Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
Other tasks and duties handled by the webmaster include
- enhanced navigation through Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) links and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to enhance the links;
- coding pages for compatibility with most browsers;
- installation of Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) or its preexisting scripts;
- Flash animation and Java scripting;
- checking errors and access logs and protection from hackers; and
- setting up e-mail accounts, chatrooms, responding to comments and concerns.
The tasks and duties above are just some of the things a webmaster does. There are other more complex tasks a webmaster does, but its essentially to make a website run smoothly, securely, and protects it from hackers, spammers, and spambots.
On a separate note, our website also offers free Research Assistant Job Description Samples for those looking for assistants in the field of research. We have a number of job descriptions that users will be able to use as reference in their search, and these are all free to download and print.
Junior Webmaster Job Description
University Webmaster Job Description
Webmaster Specialist Job Description
Example of Webmaster Job Description
Webmaster Intern Job Description Example
Normally, a webmaster will be kept busy not just fending off potential hackers and spammers, but by the endless task of programming and tweaking various functions such as ease of navigation, adding attractive content to increase traffic to the site, and developing specially crafted icons and logos unique to the company or website.
Overall, webmasters provide a seemingly endless range of website services that will help businesses grow and the need for multiple websites that will be essential in their growth. For a website to be successfully operated and business to be enhanced, it’s important to always have a stable webmaster who has the needed skills and experience to do the job well.
On a side note, we offer free downloadable Executive Chef Job Description Samples for hotels and restaurants who need the right expertise in the culinary arts.