There can be several reasons why an employee has decided to leave the company. This may be due to retirement, resignation, or termination. Such reasons are quite common in every business organization, which is why management must have a proper employee offboarding process to facilitate this transition. This will help an employee and the company follow the right procedure and send off the employee without further issues. In truth, the process of offboarding can be complicated, but the main point here is that even as the employee is about to leave the company it is important that they feel respected and satisfied by following the correct procedure. To learn more about this, let us discuss this further below. And if you need any templates, we’ve got a list of employee offboarding samples that are downloadable for free on this page.

10+ Employee Offboarding Samples

1. Employee Offboarding

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 135 KB


2. Employee Offboarding Checklist

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 191 KB


3. Employee Offboarding Overview

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 108 KB


4. Sample Employee Offboarding

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 169 KB


5. Employee Offboarding Software

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 704 KB


6. Simple Employee Offboarding

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 97 KB


7. Basic Employee Offboarding

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 30 KB


8. Employee Offboarding Roadmap

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 3 MB


9. Formal Employee Offboarding

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 105 KB


10. Employee Offboarding Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 157 KB


11. Printable Employee Offboarding

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 12 KB


What is Employee Offboarding?

Employee turnover is common in every organization, as people tend to come and go in a company. If there is a process of onboarding or hiring new employees, then there should be one for those who are about to leave. An employee offboarding is the process that follows the formal separation of an employee from his or her employer for reasons of resignation, termination, or retirement. It covers all the steps necessary to successfully part ways with an employee following their decision to leave. If done properly, both parties will be able to obtain a smooth transition process without any setbacks.

The offboarding process does not end with just a submission of a resignation letter, there are forms to be filled up, interviews to be taken, endorsements to be made, and many other things. Depending on the role an employee has in the company, there is a certain process that is common to everyone and some that are dealt with specifically.

How to Offboard an Employee

Although companies sometimes hate losing employees and going over the process again of trying to hire a replacement, it is inevitable. They need to properly send off their employees just as they have when they hired them. Following the right procedure will reflect on the moral values of a company and how they treat their employees with respect even as they are about to leave. Regardless of the reason for departure, the offboarding process should remain the same. To help you, this is how an employee offboarding process should go about.

1. Reviewing the Resignation or Offboarding Process

Once the employee has to leave the company, it is important for the HR department to carefully review the resignation or offboarding process(for those retiring and being terminated). Documents need to be prepared, a review of the employee’s tenure and performance, and informing management has to be done.

2. Employee’s and HR department’s Tasks

An offboarding employee has to accomplish several tasks before they could properly leave the company. The manager will require the employee to endorse his or her tasks to the employee who will take their place or to other colleagues. Then there are forms to be filled out and an exit interview to be taken.

The HR department will need to also review the employee’s contract, and prepare the employee compensation package and tax information to ensure everything is in order.

3. Recover Company Assets

If the employee has been issued a company laptop, mobile phone, and vehicle then this must be properly returned. Also, management needs to revoke any system access. An employee offboarding checklist is a great tool that can help the HR department remember what they need to do.

4. Replacement

Employees who are about to leave have responsibilities that need to be fulfilled by either a new employee or an existing employee. That being said, it is important to start looking for replacements, check if there is a need to train this employee, and make sure everything has been properly endorsed.

5. Processing the Final Pay

The last pay should be finalized by then, make sure to review if there is a need to include any deductions. Retiring employees, aside from the last pay, may be entitled to receive a retirement fund or other benefits from the company depending on their tenure.


What is Employee Onboarding?

This is the process of introducing new hires into a business organization. This involves familiarization of their job roles, company culture and policy, and introducing the employee to his or her colleagues.

How many days do you have to resign?

You should be able to give your employer at least two weeks’ notice before you can resign. But this would depend as some companies require 30 days’ notice before you can formally leave the company.

What are some of the grounds for termination?

The common grounds to terminate an employee are subordination; frequent absences and tardiness; criminal activity; and incompetence.

An employee offboarding is as important as the onboarding process, as it is essential that companies follow the correct process to send off their employees. This should be properly documented and endorsements should be made to establish a smooth transition process.

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