Customer service goals have been emphasized over the years due to companies vying for increased customer base and capturing customer loyalty. Since goods and services have had tight competition over the years, companies have hired customer service personnel based on their objectives in being able to give premium value on customer service.

Our Sample Objectives for customer service give detailed examples on the objectives needed to be an effective customer service representative. These are designed to indicate the general objectives of the position. These are all free to download and print and can be edited or modified based on user’s individual preferences.

Resume Objective for Customer Service Manager

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  • PDF

Size: 160 KB


Resume Objective for Customer Service Supervisor

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  • DOCX

Size: 5 KB


Resume Objective for Call Center Customer Service

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  • DOCX

Size: 4 KB


Businesses are facing tough competition nowadays and they need to up the ante if they wish to thrive in their line of business. Customer demands have increased over the years and authorities have set up departments to deal with customer needs and complaints, so pressure on businesses have also increased to step up their game and fulfill the need for the best customer service possible.

The general responsibility of the customer service representative, therefore, is to ensure he or she is able to provide the support services stressed by the company based on their guidelines. The customer service goals every representative needs to fulfill for their company to stay competitive are:

  • Customer Satisfaction – First and foremost on the list of customer service requirements for every company. Companies need to cater to every customer concerns and handling customers whether they are irate, offensive, or defensive need to be handled properly. Knowing how to handle these critical components of every customer mood is the key to gaining and maintaining a good customer base.
  • Increasing and Maintaining Customer Base – Being able to effectively analyze and and solve their problems ensure customers will stay loyal and stick to your company when their needs are met. Oftentimes, even when needs are not properly met due to certain problems that are beyond the company’s capacity, customers tend to stick with the company if the customer representatives handle their problems to the best of their abilities.
  • Prevent Transferring or Switching to Another Brand or Company – Oftentimes, fast and polite service do wonders to customer loyalty because a good service is essential for customers not to switch to other brands or companies. Since tough competition means companies are offering the same brands or services, the best way to differentiate your company from others is to ensure that you offer the best value added customer service possible.


Those are just some of the main objectives a good customer service representative needs to fulfill to ensure his or her company gets to maintains its integrity and customer base.

For other business-related samples, check out our  Marketing Objective Examples. These also come with a comprehensive list needed to ensure and maintain good marketing objectives needed for companies to remain competitive.

Simple Resume Objective for Customer Service

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  • PDF

Size: 46 KB


More often than not, no matter how good a company is, it will always be confronted with problems. For this reason, everyone in the company from the heads down to management and finally, customer service representatives need to have a collective mind-set of being customer-oriented. A company’s survival depends on its customers, and everyone needs to be always reminded of that aspect.

Focus should always be on solving and addressing the problems, whether it’s a matter of supply or being unable to give the full service possible. No matter what the problem is, when a customer’s concern is satisfied even if it doesn’t totally solve the problem, he is left happier and will be sure to stick with the company no matter what happens.

For other resumes examples, please check out our website’s Professional Resume Sample. These are all easy to read, download, and modify to user’s own specifications.