While your organization can carry out a bunch of activities, you may need certain skills to carry out a particular function. In that case, you will need to select a few people with the necessary skills from within the organization to form a smaller group for its proper execution. To do that, you need to gather these people to talk it out and create a plan. The thing is you don’t want to go there without an agenda. Create a committee meeting agenda. Scroll down to know more about creating one.
FREE 10+ Committee Meeting Agenda Samples
First, just like creating a regular team meeting agenda, you need to choose a template that you can use in creating a committee meeting agenda, which we gathered in this section for you.
1. Free Simple Meeting Agenda Template

2. Free Sample Meeting Agenda Template

3. Free Meeting Agenda Template

4. Committee Meeting Agenda Template
5. Sample Committee Meeting Agenda
6. Sample Event Committee Meeting Agenda
7. Organizing Meeting Agenda Template
8. Staff Coaching Committee Meeting Agenda Example
9. Business Committee Meeting Agenda
10. Simple Committee Meeting Agenda Template
11. Finance Committee Meeting Agenda
What Is a Committee Meeting Agenda?
A committee meeting agenda is a document that you, as a meeting organizer, must create before conducting a committee meeting. Similar to community meeting agenda, committee meeting agenda, such as board meeting, church meeting agenda, employee monthly standing meeting, construction preparatory meeting agenda, and emergency meeting agenda, this meeting material allows you to outline the purpose of the meeting and the items that you need to discuss.
How To Create an Effective Committee Meeting Agenda
Conducting a meeting with a broad list of agendas is time and energy-consuming. Don’t worry because we have provided a few tips that you can apply to create a meeting agenda for your committee meeting.
Accept Inputs From the Members
You are leading a committee group not because you know everything but because you know how to handle it. Ask your team members ideas of what to discuss in the meeting. You can use these ideas in creating a list of items that you can include in your meeting agenda. Aside from that, you can plan out the meeting in a way that can encourage the members to provide their inputs during the meeting. By doing it, you can maintain their engagement throughout the gathering.
Discuss Items That Affect the Team
One of the things that many people hate attending a meeting is they feel bored and disinterested. It is, mostly, because the things that they discuss do not affect them. Prevent this scenario from happening by discussing things that the entire team can relate to. Asking ideas from the members for the list of agenda can help.
Include Topics That Need Answers
Meetings that intend to create strategies, such as a school strategic plan and a retail marketing plan, will need inputs from the members, so they naturally allow the members to form ideas on their mind, but it might not always be the case. At times, you will find them stuck in their minds or busy with other things. However, asking a question addressed to the members activate their minds and shift their focus on the current topic. Therefore, as much as possible, introduce your topics in a question form.
Set Proper Expectation
Are you going to conduct a quick meeting or a three-hour meeting? To determine the time frame of the committee meeting that you are going to execute, calculate how much time does it take to finish discussing each item of the list. Write your goals first. With these goals, list down the items you need to address and the process involved to address each of them. Then, estimate how much time you will need to cover each item up. Fortunately, creating a meeting schedule and meeting checklist will make this process easier.
What is a committee?
Simply put, a committee is a group of people within a larger organization that intends to execute a specific function. Schools, communities, and businesses usually allow these groups to execute certain events and activities.
What items do you need to include in a committee meeting agenda?
A simple but well-drafted committee meeting agenda should include a meeting header and agenda items. A meeting header should have a meeting date, start and end time, venue, purpose, meeting attendee list, and the supporting documents. For the agenda items, you should incorporate each of them with its title or topic, description, leader, allotted timeframe, list of the supporting documents.
What are the functions of the committee?
As we have mentioned earlier, the committee is a small group intended for specific functions within the organization. Below are the functions that the committee can perform.
- Governance
- While it is true that the voice of each member of an organization matters, allowing the entire group to make decisions about the policies, employee performance reviews, and other organizational matters is not a good idea. Therefore, a smaller group with a few members should do these tasks.
- Coordination and administration
- A committee is also responsible for the coordination of gatherings and academic conferences.
- Research and Recommendations
- Not everyone has the knowledge and skills to conduct market research and other types of research that are beneficial for an organization. Therefore, a specific group of people will have to do these types of activities.
Schools, such as City Academy, encourage their students to join student school committees as an extracurricular program to give them opportunities to learn and lead project-based activities, which is an essential skill that they can use to further their careers in the future. If you missed that opportunity while you are at school, you are lucky to read this article because learning how to create a committee meeting agenda is one of the most important parts of managing a committee.
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